Sel Belsham - Team Mates

Player Team Games First Game As Team Mates Last Game As Team Mates
 New Zealand Ackland, Ron115 Jun 195715 Jun 1957
 Rest of the World Apelian, Antranick129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 Rest of the World Ashton, Eric129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 New Zealand Atkinson, Alister108 Jan 195608 Jan 1956
 New Zealand Bakalich, Vern708 Jan 195617 Jun 1957
 New Zealand Baxter, Tommy508 Jan 195630 Jun 1956
 Rest of the World Benausse, Gilbert129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 New Zealand Blanchard, Lory308 Jan 195621 Jan 1956
 New Zealand Butterfield, Jock915 Jan 195608 Jul 1957
 New Zealand Creedy, Pat508 Jan 195608 Jul 1957
 New Zealand Eastlake, Cyril309 Jun 195630 Jun 1956
 New Zealand Grey, Ian115 Jan 195615 Jan 1956
 New Zealand Griffiths, Reese225 Jun 195708 Jul 1957
 Rest of the World Gunney, Geoff129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 New Zealand Hadfield, Tom523 Jun 195608 Jul 1957
 New Zealand Haggie, Dick308 Jan 195621 Jan 1956
 New Zealand Johnson, Cliff709 Jun 195608 Jul 1957
 Rest of the World Johnson, Cliff129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 Rest of the World Jones, Berwyn129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 New Zealand Kilkelly, Trevor108 Jan 195608 Jan 1956
 New Zealand MacRae, Duncan309 Jun 195630 Jun 1956
 New Zealand Maxwell, Henry1008 Jan 195608 Jul 1957
 Rest of the World Maxwell, Henry129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 New Zealand McKay, Ron308 Jan 195621 Jan 1956
 New Zealand McLennan, Bill608 Jan 195608 Jul 1957
 New Zealand Menzies, George709 Jun 195608 Jul 1957
 Rest of the World Merquey, Jacques129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 New Zealand Moore, Roy215 Jan 195621 Jan 1956
 New Zealand Mulcare, Frank309 Jun 195630 Jun 1956
 New Zealand Pearce, Kevin117 Jun 195717 Jun 1957
 New Zealand Percy, Rex315 Jan 195615 Jun 1957
 New Zealand Riddell, Jim808 Jan 195608 Jul 1957
 Rest of the World Riddell, Jim129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 New Zealand Roberts, Keith121 Jan 195621 Jan 1956
 New Zealand Sorensen, Bill1008 Jan 195608 Jul 1957
 Rest of the World Sorensen, Bill129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 New Zealand Turner, George317 Jun 195708 Jul 1957
 Rest of the World Voron, Maurice129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 New Zealand White, Des309 Jun 195630 Jun 1956
 Rest of the World Whiteley, Johnny129 Jun 195729 Jun 1957
 New Zealand Yates, John415 Jun 195708 Jul 1957